Contact us to get your child involved

Contact us to get your child involved

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What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying

Contact Lee DeRemer at 717-586-2511 for more info. LIFECYCLES is a great organization with an important mission... But don't just take
How You Can Help

How You Can Help

Donations Through Vanco LIFECYCLES is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your contribution brings


Contact Lee DeRemer at 717-586-2711 for more info.

The mission of LIFECYCLES is to build young men and women of character in a Christ-centered bicycle touring adventure experience for teens with a mentoring program to guide them into adulthood.

Trained volunteers from different walks of life help teen age boys and girls in challenging environments to dream and to achieve their goals with respect, dignity, and encouragement. Emphasis is placed on completing school and entering either the work force, a trade school, or college. Church, youth ministry activities, and community service are integral to the LIFECYCLES experience, as our goal to develop life skills, teamwork, leadership, followership, hope, and optimism.


We believe God created each person, loves each person, and desires that each person know Him.  We believe boys and girls deserve a chance to become the men and women they were created to be. Teenagers flourish with positive role models to help them dream, set goals, and grow.  The LIFECYCLES team believes there is an urgent need to guide teens to fulfilling, contributing, God-honoring lives as adults – to build young men and women of character.  We do this through the unique challenge and excitement of bicycle touring, and we seek God’s blessing for provision, protection, and sustainment.


LIFECYCLES teens are loved unconditionally, encouraged, challenged, empowered, and supported in an environment of trust, accountability, and responsibility designed to build confidence, hope, life skills, and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. LIFECYCLES leaders make the promise offered in the book of Hebrews: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” In exchange, we ask LIFECYCLES teens to be faithful, available, and teachable.