John Mullineaux

John and his best friend, Joey, have been married for…a long time. They have two children in their 40’s and 4 grandchildren, one of which is about to start college. A CPA by profession, John is a retired divisional CFO and spent most of his career working for Fenner Plc. John can most often be found on his bike riding the backroads of Lancaster County. John has served his church in various capacities has been on mission trips to Honduras. John is passionate about the LIFECYCLES mission and enjoys helping boys become the men God created them to be.

Get to Know John

If I could cycle anywhere in the world, it would be in

The Loire valley, France.

The person who inspired me as a young man was

Mr. Rudy, my geometry teacher who taught me the joy of learning.

My best teenage memory is

Crusin in my ’54 Chevy, listening to WLAN.

I am famous for…

My Caesar salad and Brussels Sprouts.

My most embarrassing cycling moment was…

Driving to the start of a ride and discovering I had left my shoes and helmet home – more than once!

My hidden talent is…

When I find it, I’ll let you know.

If I could change something in my past it would be…

Waiting so long to accept Jesus as my Savior