Roger grew up on a farm in Lancaster county and joined the family farm operation which grew into a few different enterprises. In 2012 Roger and his wife Patti chose to leave the family business based on the Lord’s leading. In 2013 he joined North Group Consultants which spends a majority of their time working with leaders and their teams. Roger loves spending time with his bride, his 4 children, their spouses and 7 grandchildren. He also enjoys serving in his local church in many different roles. Roger looks forward to riding and bantering with an informal group of cyclists known as Donegal Velo in Mount Joy. He feels called to serve the mission, team and encouraging the boys as they mature to be more Christ like.
Get to Know Roger
If I could cycle anywhere in the world, it would be in…
The person who most inspired me as a young man was…
My good friend Randy. I struggled with very low self confidence as a teenager and Randy took a chance on being my friend. His encouragement and caring combined with my mother’s prayers changed my life forever.
My best teenage memory is…
Selling Christmas trees for my uncle Jim at a pop-up Christmas Tree lot. It was my first job off the farm and I learned a lot about how serving others can be very fulfilling and also financially rewarding. I often refer back to this time when my love of sales and serving others was sparked in my career.
I am famous for…
My bad spelling. I like to say I attended Manheim Central and I missed the academic classes. And my BBQ chicken and pulled pork.
My most embarrassing cycling moment was…
I was riding in a fund raising ride for Black Rock Retreat with a few friends. We were rolling at a pretty good clip in a pace line. After I was leading for a short bit I dropped to the back of the line to recover and I lapped the last riders back wheel and went down hard! My friends say I was out for a bit and kept saying “Let’s ride” when I woke from my concussion. Needless to say, my bike and I were in no condition to ride and I was thankful for SAG support to the finish line.
My hidden talent is…
I can hold my own as an electrician. My years on the farm taught me many troubleshooting tricks and repair techniques.
If I could change something in my past it would be…
I wish I would have had the courage to go to college. I went to a semester of Bible School in Colorado and did not think the farm could survive without me.